MƒA Chief Operating Officer Michael Driskill joined host Drew Perkins on the TeachThought podcast to talk about the complexities of teaching in the era of remote learning. 

Driskill shared: “At MƒA, we’ve found that there aren’t any silver bullets. We won’t find the one resource that will tell teachers how to do remote instruction correctly. It’s more about exploring different ideas and finding a way forward with marginal, small, but important steps.

Right now it might feel like there are more obstacles than new opportunities, but hopefully over time that will adjust… There are so many teachers tirelessly trying to find ways to create virtual communities that look and feel the way they would have in-person.”

During the episode, Driskill also offered details on remote teaching successes, highlighting the work shared via our Remote Teaching Resources. He talked about what he’s learned from teachers, how they’re adapting their practice, and the innovative ways they’re sharing their expertise. 

“One resource details a teacher who is using Google Docs and Zoom Chat to make a shift toward group assessments, noticing a productive change in the way students were engaging around that. Another resource centers around NYC Regents exams and how one teacher is focusing more on project based learning as the tests have been put on hold. 

All of these resources show smart teachers making small progress toward a challenge of great magnitude.”

Listen to the full episode on the TeachThought podcast. 

Find the episode on iTunes here and on all your favorite podcast players here