Current MƒA Master Teachers who are active in at least their second Master Teacher Fellowship are eligible to be nominated for the MƒA Muller Award for Professional Influence in Education.

Please see below for a complete list of eligible teachers alphabetized by last name, or click on the nomination form and enter a school name in the "What is the name of the teacher you are nominating?" field to find a list of eligible teachers by school.

A | BC | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z



Osvaldo Adames Vasquez, Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice

Samantha Adams, Harvest Collegiate High School

Rayhan Ahmed, Gotham Professional Arts Academy

Benjamin Allen, M.S. 137 America's School of Heroes

Ronnie Almonte, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School

Izagma Alonso, Stuyvesant High School

Mohammed Aminyar, East Side Community School

Dash Anderson, Young Women's Leadership School of Brooklyn

Lauren Anderson, P.S. 321 William Penn

James Anderson, Forest Hills High School

Angie Anderton, Grant Avenue Elementary School

Vielca Anglin, High School M560 - City As School

Rocheli Apilan, High School for Health Professions and Human Servi

Felicia Applebaum, J.H.S. 104 Simon Baruch

Devan Aptekar, Tompkins Square Middle School

Jeff Arancherry, Port Richmond High School

Gifty Asamani, High School for Mathematics, Science and Engineeri

Lisa Asher, Staten Island Technical High School

Saida Atmaca, Richmond Hill High School

Jessica Auriemmo, Urban Assembly Maker Academy

Cristina Ayala, I.S. 141 The Steinway

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Matt Baker, Brooklyn Latin School, The

Shangaza Banfield, Stuyvesant High School

Chaya Baras, West Brooklyn Community High School

Ben Barnes, Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts an

Melanie Battles, Brooklyn Technical High School

Meg Beck, Gotham Professional Arts Academy

Brittany Beck, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technolo

Danielle Belizaire, George Washington Carver High School for the Scien

Olivia Bello, M.S. 297

Megan Berdugo, Brooklyn International High School

Jae Berlin, International High School at Prospect Heights

Heather Berry, Brooklyn Technical High School

Subarna Bhattacharyya, Repertory Company High School for Theatre Arts

Joel Bianchi, Energy Tech High School

Emily Birden, School of the Future High School

Ryan Bittman, NYC iSchool

Thomas Blozy, Brooklyn Technical High School

Stephanie Bohbot, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technolo

Amanda Bollati, High School of American Studies at Lehman College

Nate Bonheimer, Brooklyn Technical High School

Denise Bou, Murray Hill Academy

Raymond Bradshaw, Brooklyn Technical High School

Brady, Park East High School

Alise Braick, Brooklyn Technical High School

Laura Brando, J.H.S. 216 George J. Ryan

Alice Brea, Townsend Harris High School

Amy Brenner, Midwood High School

Andy Brockmann, J.H.S. 088 Peter Rouget

Kristen Brown, NYC iSchool

Daryl Brown, East Bronx Academy for the Future

Aja Brown, The Metropolitan Soundview High School

Oyinka Bruce, Brooklyn Technical High School

Renu Budhraja, Millennium Brooklyn HS

Lisa Bueno, Midwood High School

Ferrin Bujan, Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School (BCAM)

Ida Bulalang, Columbia Secondary School

Alana Burgos, Lyons Community School

Joseph Buro, Staten Island Technical High School

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Dorota Caetano, Bard High School Early College Queens

Christine Cain, University Prep Charter High School

Rebecca Caporale-Guarino, Manhattan Village Academy

Matthew Carlberg, Bard High School Early College Queens

Cameron Cassidy, Academy for Software Engineering

Wendy Castillo, James Baldwin School, The: A School for Expedition

Renne Castro, Bayside High School

Carolina Castro-Skehan, Comprehensive Model School Project M.S. 327

Patrick Chan, Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

Diana Chan, Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

Grace Chang, Neighborhood School

Alex Chanysheva, N.Y.C. Lab School for Collaborative Studies

Kai Xin Chen, Leaders High School

Chris Chilas, Bard High School Early College Queens

Jessica Cimini-Samuels, Marsh Avenue School for Expeditionary Learning

Johanna Cinquegrana, New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math

Jerry Citron, Stuyvesant High School

Constance Clark, P.S. 120 Queens

Liz Clark-Garvey, Brooklyn Collaborative Studies

Alison Cohen, Tompkins Square Middle School

Athena Colin, Queens Preparatory Academy

Sharon Collins, New Heights Academy Charter School

David Connelly, Science, Technology and Research Early College Hig

Brittney Cook, Essex Street Academy

James Cordara, Sunset Park Prep

Josue Cordones, Bronx Collaborative High School

Lena Cosentino, New Dorp High School

Lauren Couto, Jonas Bronck Academy

Patrick Cox, Central Park East High School

Frank Crespo, Manhattan Bridges High School

Alex Cristando, Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School

Gary Cruz, The Urban Assembly School for Emergency Management

Justin Czarka, P.S. 048 Joseph R. Drake

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Peter D'Amico, Eleanor Roosevelt High School

Jen D'Anna, Staten Island Technical High School

Joseph Danquah, Bard High School Early College Bronx

Katie Davey, Brooklyn Technical High School

Jasper DeAntonio, Midwood High School

Andy Deegan, Millennium Brooklyn HS

Steven Deihl, East-West School of International Studies

Nathalie Deller, Facing History School, The

Jenna Denino, Quest to Learn

John Derian, Brooklyn International High School

David Deutsch, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics

Pete Diamantis, Marble Hill High School for International Studies

Maria Cheryl Diangco, School for Classics High School

Leovie Diaz, New Utrecht High School

Jimmy Dillon, Stuyvesant High School

Kendra Din, High School M560 - City As School

Evelyn Dominguez, NYC iSchool

Michael Donzelli, M.S. 582

Melissa Dowd, Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

Derek Dubossi, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art a

Alicia Duchatelier, East Side Middle School

Douglas Dukeman, KIPP Infinity Charter School

Alexander Dvorak, International High School at Union Square

Dee Dee Dyer, I.S. X303 Leadership & Community Service

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Cesar Ebonia, Voyages Prep - South Queens

Jason Econome, Stuyvesant High School

Kevin Ehly, Brooklyn Frontiers High School

Shari Eng, Bayside High School

Irene Espiritu, J.H.S. 292 Margaret S. Douglas

Ricardo Estrada, The High School for Global Citizenship

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Neil Farley, The Bronx High School of Science

David Farrell, Susan E. Wagner High School

Mike Fernandez, James Madison High School

Danilsa Fernandez, City College Academy of the Arts

Courtney Ferrell, New Design High School

Stefanie Fier, Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

David Fier, Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

Noemaris Figueroa, Mott Hall V

Ramona Fittipaldi, Young Women's Leadership School

Pamela Flanagan, Tompkins Square Middle School

Matthew Fleck, KIPP Beyond Charter School

Eddie Fletcher, Millennium Brooklyn HS

Sage Forbes-Gray, Sunset Park High School

Katie Francis, Curtis High School

Kiersten Franz, Brooklyn Technical High School

Brian Frechtman, Beacon High School

Lauren Friedman, Susan E. Wagner High School

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Scott Gallagher, J.H.S. 383 Philippa Schuyler

Carolina Gallego, Manhattan Bridges High School

Denice Gamper, Bard High School Early College

Chereese Gardner, Jonas Bronck Academy

Jason Garofalo, Marble Hill High School for International Studies

John Garvey, Community School for Social Justice

Sylvia Gayatinea, Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology

Sarah Geist, Manhattan Village Academy

Joytrese George, Academy for Software Engineering

Ciprian Ghita, Stuyvesant High School

Maria Giambanco, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technolo

Constance Giannakakis, High School for Construction Trades, Engineering a

Isabelle Giannella, West End Secondary School

Allison Godshall, P.S. 006 Lillie D. Blake

Stacy Goldstein, Midwood High School

Jessica Gomez, New Visions Charter High School for Advanced Math

Christina Gonzalez, Hunter College High School

Marcelle Good, Academy of Arts and Letters

Sara Gottlieb, P.S. 165 Edith K. Bergtraum

Billy Green, A. Philip Randolph Campus High School

Bruce Greenspan, Brooklyn Technical High School

Sheri Greenspan, Academy of American Studies

Sarah Gribbin, Urban Assembly New York Harbor School

Rachel Griffin, Brooklyn Prospect Charter School - CSD 15

Shannon Guglielmo, Landmark High School

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Emma Haddad, Frank McCourt High School

Leton Hall, Pelham Gardens Middle School

Jocelyn Hall, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art a

Jeffrey Hamilton, Marble Hill High School for International Studies

Joshua Hans, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School

Kent Hansan, KIPP NYC College Prep High School

Karimah Hare, KIPP NYC College Prep High School

Helen Haritos, Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education Hi

Susie Harter, Waterside Children's Studio School

AnnaMarie Hauser, The 30th Avenue School (G&T Citywide)

Naomi Hawkins, Landmark High School

Brandie Hayes, The Emily Warren Roebling School

Melissa Hendy, Eagle Academy for Young Men

Everton Henriques, Staten Island Technical High School

Beth Henry, Academy for Careers in Television and Film

Shana Elizabeth Henry, James Baldwin School, The: A School for Expedition

Estefania Hereira, Flushing International High School

Sara Heymont, Bedford Academy High School

Tyler Hicks, Bard High School Early College Queens

Natalya Hogan, John Bowne High School

Michael Holmes, High School of American Studies at Lehman College

Daniel Holstein, Manhattan Comprehensive Night and Day High School

Andrew Holz, P.S. 164 Queens Valley

Jeffrey Horenstein, Stuyvesant High School

Phylicia Hoyt, Quest to Learn

Grace Hu, World View High School

Deame Hua, Stuyvesant High School

Kelly Hudson, Scholars' Academy

Pheona Hunt, Special Music School

Lavonne Hunter, High School M560 - City As School

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Joshua Ilany, The Bronx High School of Science

Evelyn Israel, Humanities Preparatory Academy

Zachary Itzkowitz, Pelham Preparatory Academy

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Alia Jackson, Curtis High School

Stephen Jackson, Paula Hedbavny School

Jay Jammula, Home Instruction

Jared Jax, Staten Island Technical High School

Cynthia Jimenez, Frank Sinatra School of the Arts High School

Jude Julien, Virtual Innovators Academy

Rachel Jun, Francis Lewis High School

Dawoun Jyung, Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School

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Stephanie Kadison, Bard High School Early College Queens

Alan Kadlec, Young Women's Leadership School of the Bronx

Nicole Kamar Aldin, Renaissance High School for Musical Theater and th

Susie Kang, Essex Street Academy

Deepak Kapoor, Gregorio Luperon High School for Science and Mathematics

Bruce Karhoff, Bronx Lab School

Aaron Kaswell, J.H.S. 088 Peter Rouget

Vanessa Keen, Bronx School for Law, Government and Justice

Sendy Keenan, Collegiate Institute for Math and Science

Paul Kehoe, The Riverside School for Makers and Artists

Sjene Kendrick, The Emily Warren Roebling School

Courtney Kessler, Academy of Arts and Letters

Court King, Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School

Carol Kinney, High School of American Studies at Lehman College

Abigail Kirchman, Leaders High School

Meredith Klein, Sunset Park High School

Brittany Klimowicz, NYC iSchool

Jeffrey Knafelc, Leaders High School

Napoleon Knight, Brownsville Collaborative Middle School

Christine Kola, Pelham Lab High School

Siaka Kone, City College Academy of the Arts

Jeanne Kopun, Forest Hills High School

Brandi Kovac, Columbia Secondary School

Andrea Kung, Urban Academy Laboratory High School

Janice Kwan, Millennium High School

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Elisabetta La Tanza, The High School of Fashion Industries

Michelle Lai, Grant Avenue Elementary School

Kimberly Lau, Midwood High School

Keith Lau, Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School

Perri Lawrie, Academy of Arts and Letters

Sarah Leaman, P.S. 321 William Penn

Amy Lee, Brooklyn Technical High School

Tsee Lee, Brooklyn Technical High School

Jake Leibold, M.S. 255 Salk School of Science

Diana Lennon, Brooklyn Technical High School

Maria Leon Chu, Francis Lewis High School

Corey Levin, Yorkville East Middle School

Amos Levy, Brooklyn Technical High School

Ben Lewin, M.S. 297

Arah Lewis, Eagle Academy for Young Men

Susie Li, P.S. 126 Jacob August Riis

Sin Li, New Utrecht High School

Kate Litman, Quest to Learn

Camila Lock, Forest Hills High School

Leandra Lockwood-Toronto, Marsh Avenue School for Expeditionary Learning

Rita Loomba, Brooklyn Technical High School

Alexander Lord, Francis Lewis High School

Brandon Lotti, Leaders High School

Jeffrey Lowenhaupt, Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics

Lisa Lowenstein, Academy of Arts and Letters

George Ludovici, Bronx Envision Academy

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Kara MacDevitt, Brooklyn Collaborative Studies

Kyla MacDonald, P.S. 321 William Penn

Daniel Madden, Midwood High School

Marissa Maggio, Stuyvesant High School

Khaled Mahmoud, The Bronx High School of Science

Bridget Mahoney, High School for Environmental Studies

Rosalie Malone, Benjamin N. Cardozo High School

Rachel Mancini, Tottenville High School

Mariella Mannino, P.S./I.S. 30 Mary White Ovington

Nicole Marcellin, Bridges: A School for Exploration and Equity

Katelyn Margulies, Queens Collegiate: A College Board School

Jaclyn Maricle, I.S. 289

Liz Maron, Essex Street Academy

Kate Maschmeyer, Community Roots Charter School

Scott Matthews, Brooklyn Technical High School

Laurie Matthews, The Brooklyn New School, P.S. 146

Elyse Mattiaccio, P.S. 396

Sean McCann, Home Instruction

Shirvonne McCarthy, Home Instruction

Katie McCarthy, Sunset Park High School

Stephen McClellan, Stuyvesant High School

Kerine McIntosh, DeWitt Clinton High School

Deborah McLaughlin, Beginning with Children Charter School II

David Meek, I.S. 072 Rocco Laurie

Martina Meijer, P.S. 139 Alexine A. Fenty

Lindsay Melachrinos, M.S. M245 The Computer School

Jesusa Merioles, International Community High School

Charlie Michaelson, Millennium Brooklyn HS

Soni Midha, East Side Community School

James Milana, Francis Lewis High School

Sabrina Miller, East Side Community School

Marisa Miller, Forest Hills High School

Natalie Miroshnichenko, Science, Technology and Research Early College Hig

Matthew Mitchell, KIPP NYC College Prep High School

Andrew Mittiga, Young Women's Leadership School

Joseph Moll, Central Park East High School

Kelly Molloy, The High School of Fashion Industries

Beth Montgomery, J.H.S. 104 Simon Baruch

Ben Morgenroth, Brooklyn Technical High School

Leslyn Morris, Manhattan Business Academy

Laura Mourino, Harvest Collegiate High School

Brian Mueller, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technolo

Arup Mukherjee, Brooklyn Technical High School

Peter Mulroy, NYC iSchool

Jamie Munkatchy, James Baldwin School, The: A School for Expedition

James Munson, East Brooklyn Community High School

Brittany Murdock, Millennium Brooklyn HS

Rachel Mushell, Voyages Prep - South Queens

Marley Myrianthopoulos, Discovery High School

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Maria Nedwidek-Moore, Stuyvesant High School

Ghada Nehmeh, The Bronx High School of Science

Suzette Nelson, Clara Barton High School

Vivi Nguyen, Brooklyn Technical High School

Gloria Nicodemi, East-West School of International Studies

Andy Nissinboim, Edward R. Murrow High School

Brooke Nixon-Friedheim, Talent Unlimited High School

Robin Norwich, Bayside High School

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Andrew O'Grady, Bronx Early College Academy for Teaching & Learnin

Steven O'Malley, Stuyvesant High School

Pearl Ohm, Essex Street Academy

Oluseyi Okuneye, Metropolitan Expeditionary Learning School

Angela Oldenburg, Baruch College Campus High School

Mimi Ong Ante, Hunter College High School

Steve Oszust, Brooklyn International High School

Jason Ovalles, Chelsea Career and Technical Education High School

Jeremy Owens-Fajardo, Academy of Applied Mathematics and Technology

Lola Oyediran, Beacon High School

Jenny Ozinegbe, Science, Technology and Research Early College Hig

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Brian Palacios, Bronx Center for Science and Mathematics

Michael Paoli, Ella Baker School

Gilbert Papagayo, Stuyvesant High School

Suneeta Paroly, Bard High School Early College Queens

Francesca Pascale, New Dorp High School

Matt Pastore, Fort Hamilton High School

Natalie Patrizio-Tully, The Clinton School

Jessica Patron, Newtown High School

Josh Paugh, Brooklyn Technical High School

Ioana Paunescu, International Community High School

Claryliz Peralta Rodriguez, Atmosphere Academy Public Charter School

Francisco J. Perez Martinez, P.S. 173

Daniel Perkowski, Facing History School, The

Kevin Peters, 47 The American Sign Language and English Secondar

Azikiwe Peters, Bronx Collaborative High School

Melanie Pflaum, Bard High School Early College

Bradley Pierce, International High School at Union Square

Andy Pilc, The Urban Assembly Bronx Academy of Letters

Jay Pirani-Mellstrom, Brooklyn International High School

Adam Pisco, International High School at Union Square

Breanna Podmore, Scholars' Academy

Gijon Polite, Humanities Preparatory Academy

Eric Portales, Stuyvesant High School

Adam Prado, Pace High School

Richard Premvaree, Manhattan / Hunter Science High School

David Price, Bard High School Early College Queens

Vayola Prophete Carduchon, Pathways College Preparatory School: A College Boa

Shakira Provasoli, P.S. 333 Manhattan School for Children

Eileen Prunty, High School of Computers and Technology

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Jessica Quenzer, Stuyvesant High School

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Eileen Raghunath, River East Elementary

Laura Ralph, River East Elementary

Luna Ramirez, Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education Hi

Olivia Ramirez, Marble Hill High School for International Studies

Arlene Ramos, High School for Health Professions and Human Servi

Erin Ratz-Guiñals, Brooklyn Latin School, The

KC Reddy-Weber, Manhattan Early College School for Advertising

Jeanine Redman, Community School for Social Justice

Jeff Reeder, NYC iSchool

Teresa Reggio, I.S. 228 David A. Boody

Deborah Reich, World View High School

Heidi Reich, Bard High School Early College

Emma Reid, Fannie Lou Hamer Middle School

Emmy Reiver, M.S. 243 Center School

Caitlin Reste, Brooklyn Technical High School

Erica Restum, Williamsburg Preparatory School

Dave Richardson, High School of Economics and Finance

Vincia Richardson, Manhattan Comprehensive Night and Day High School

Jackie Rivas, M.S. 255 Salk School of Science

Benjamin Rivera, All City Leadership Secondary School

Shanua Rodriguez, Bronx Academy for Software Engineering (BASE)

Melissa Rodriguez, Central Park East High School

Andrew Rodriguez, Hunters Point Community Middle School

Gabe Rosenberg, Bard High School Early College

Carley Ross, J.H.S. 054 Booker T. Washington

Sandra Rossi, Bayside High School

Charlie Roth, Institute for Collaborative Education

Jonathan Rothman, Stuyvesant High School

Stephen Russo, The Urban Assembly Bronx Academy of Letters

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David Sadoff, Leaders High School

Raul Saenz, Brooklyn Technical High School

Kady Safar, P.S. 261 Zipporiah Mills

Daniel Salamon, Forest Hills High School

James Salazar, Tompkins Square Middle School

Jenny Salerno, Tottenville High School

Luis Saltos, J.H.S. 189 Daniel Carter Beard

Lisa San Martin, Queens School of Inquiry, The

Migdalia Sanabria, Columbia Secondary School

Bradley Scalise, Hunter College High School

Deborah Schaeffer, East Brooklyn Community High School

Diana Scheck, P.S. 059 Beekman Hill International

Kirk Schneider, Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology

JoEllen Schuleman, P.S. 199 Jessie Isador Straus

Scott Schwartz, Bayside High School

Greg Sciame, I.S. 318 Eugenio Maria De Hostos

Eric Scott, Beacon High School

Peter Sell, High School for Health Professions and Human Servi

Molly Shabica, Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom High School

Daniel Sharoff, High School for Arts and Business

Isabella Shen, Stuyvesant High School

Carlyn Sherman, Forest Hills High School

Pravesh Shiwnarain, York Early College Academy

Erik Shold, The High School of Fashion Industries

Julia Shube, Harvest Collegiate High School

Marisa Shuman, Young Women's Leadership School of the Bronx

Douglas Shuman, Brooklyn Technical High School

Dustin Shutes, Brooklyn Technical High School

Kelsey Siegel, Manhattan Business Academy

Benjamin Siegel, University Prep Charter High School

Jason Silverstein, P.S. 029 John M. Harrigan

Michelle Simeon, Stephen T. Mather Building Arts & Craftsmanship Hi

Mario Simonelli, Landmark High School

Elli Simonen, Special Music School

Michelle Sims, A. Philip Randolph Campus High School

Melissa Singer, P.S. 130 The Parkside

Mandeep Singh, Queens Collegiate: A College Board School

Anoopa Singh, Manhattan Center for Science and Mathematics

Laura Singleton, West End Secondary School

Vera Sinnreich, Hostos-Lincoln Academy of Science

Eric Siu, Queens High School for Language Studies

Jessica Smith, Earth School

Anna Solovyeva, Harvest Collegiate High School

Dwaina Sookhoo, N.Y.C. Lab School for Collaborative Studies

Raka Spoerri, Brooklyn Collaborative Studies

Devin Sprague, Edward R. Murrow High School

Erika Stafne, Independence High School

Andrea Steele, East New York Family Academy

Steven Stein, Brooklyn Technical High School

Matt Steiniger, School of the Future High School

David Stern, Townsend Harris High School

Maureen Stewart, P.S. 321 William Penn

Thomas Strasser, Stuyvesant High School

David Studer, Fort Hamilton High School

Richard Sullivan, New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math

Mathew Sullivan, M.S. 839

Patrick Sunwoo, Stuyvesant High School

Jonathan Swotinsky, Inwood Early College for Health and Information Te

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Ernesto Tabajonda, International Community High School

Margaret Tanzosh, New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math

Mary Ann Taylor, M.S. 297

Sarah Tazghini, Fort Hamilton High School

Athena Theodoris, Fort Hamilton High School

Crystal Thiele, P.S. 321 William Penn

Deva Thomas, Queens Adult Learning Center (QALC School 2)

Ariel Thompson, Academy of Arts and Letters

Jennifer Toner, Staten Island Technical High School

Laura Torres, High School of Telecommunication Arts and Technolo

Christos Tsakalakos, Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art a

Tim Tschurjumov, Humanities Preparatory Academy

Meng-Ping Tu, Stuyvesant High School

Samantha Tulloch, Park Slope Collegiate

Erica Tunick, Forte Preparatory Academy Charter School

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Juan Valencia, I.S. 145 Joseph Pulitzer

Sarah Van Etten-Thomas, Hillside Arts & Letters Academy

Christina Varghese, Knowledge and Power Preparatory Academy Internatio

Rose Ventimiglia, J.H.S. 167 Robert F. Wagner

Lauren Verdeflor, KIPP NYC College Prep High School

Dionisia Viloria, Hillcrest High School

Hana Visnic, P.S. 029 John M. Harrigan

Phung Vuong, Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School

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Marisa Wagner, The Bronx High School of Science

Artur Wala, The Bronx High School of Science

Laginne Walker, Bronx Engineering and Technology Academy

Andrew Wallace, World View High School

Megan Wallner, Sunset Park High School

David Walters, Midwood High School

Huan Wang, KIPP NYC Washington Heights Academy Charter School

Quratul Waqas, I.S. 230

Scott Wassmuth, N.Y.C. Museum School

Chris Weisbrot, Curtis High School

Elizabeth Whelan, N.Y.C. Lab School for Collaborative Studies

Rabi Whitaker, Academy for Young Writers

Graham White, P.S. 040 Augustus Saint-Gaudens

JC Whittaker, NYC iSchool

Joshua Wickline, Talent Unlimited High School

Nate Wight, Beacon High School

Andrew Wille, Stuyvesant High School

Enyinne Williams, East Harlem Scholars Academy Charter School

Anne Williard, Lower Manhattan Community Middle School

Akil Wilson, School of the Future High School

Alvis Wilson, Manhattan Early College School for Advertising

Clay Winter, School of the Future High School

Mallory Womer, The Bronx High School of Science

Patrick Wong, International High School at LaGuardia Community C

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Cathy Xiong, Robert F. Wagner, Jr. Secondary School for Arts an

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Jenny Yang, Brooklyn Technical High School

Patricia Yee, Brooklyn Technical High School

Nancy Yi, Brooklyn Technical High School

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Adam Zaid, Queens School of Inquiry, The

Suzanne Zatoren, Curtis High School

Shon Zelman, Brooklyn Prospect Charter School - CSD 15

Andrew Ziegelstein, Urban Assembly Gateway School for Technology

Andy Zimmermann, Red Hook Neighborhood School

Ryan Zimmermann, P.S. 321 William Penn

Mehmet Zubaroglu, International High School at Union Square

Meera Zucker, New Explorations into Science, Technology and Math

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